It doesn’t matter how old we are – we all need love and support. Yet, teenagers who end up in the system of care have a much harder time finding it, as nearly 82 percent of current foster families care for kids 12 and younger.
If you have the desire and meet basic criteria, then you can count on us for training, necessary resources and ongoing support.

What children need in a foster parent
1. Understand their needs
When you choose to foster a child, you should be prepared to deal with trauma, sensitivities and developmental needs. Understanding, compassion and patience are core virtues that are necessary when becoming a child's caregiver.
2. Protect and nurtureBe a caregiver, a mentor, an understanding ear and a supportive role model. Be involved in their life and put forth the same unconditional effort you would if he or she were your biological child.
3. Support family relationshipsAs a foster parent, you'll not only care for the child in your home, but you'll encourage the child to maintain a positive relationship with his or her parents, in hopes that the family will be reunified once the case plan goals have been met.
4. Promote lifetime relationshipsAs a role model, and one who will leave a lasting impression, you'll connect children to safe, nurturing relationships such as mentors, teachers, coaches, friends and extended family.
5. Be a part of a professional teamWhen you become a foster parent, you join a network of families and professionals who provide support, encouragement and advice. You'll also connect and network with the FSS team, including a licensing counselor, case manager, therapists and more.
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